Richard Ragsdale Photography
Ontario Speedway welcomes you and your family to camp and stay the weekend with us. Our team wants you to feel welcome. We can answer any outstanding questions prior to your arrival. Please email OntarioSpeedway@gmail.com or call 208-573-4255. Below please read through our easy-to-follow requirements.
Gates open Friday at noon.
Please note that for 2023, we do not provide numbered spots and it is filled on a “first-come first-served basis.
All reservations are completed on-line, and you will be required to show your purchase confirmation prior to entry.
All large RV’s/toy haulers/trailers will be given a space no smaller than 30’x70’ spots.
If you require a smaller camping spot – they can be on average are 30’x 34’.
Again, gates open Friday at noon.
Improved spaces may be sold out – you may end up in the unimproved area - if you wait too long.
There are NO flushable toilets, only portables.
Dry Camping ONLY (No hookups anywhere)
NO campfires allowed. Propane outdoor firepits are allowed.
Camping is allowed ONLY in the designated camping areas.
Even though there are no marked spots, you must try to fit into the reasonable area you paid for.
Roads must be always kept clear.
NO dumping of holding tanks.
The state is watching for dumping so do not let your tanks leak or you will face fines.
No washing of RVs, no oil changes or repairs allowed at campground.
No fireworks or weapons of any kind.
No trimming of any trees/brush or bushes. If there is an issue, please speak with the campground hosts
All camper vehicles must stay within the designated camping area between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
The facility is NOT a race or recreation area for any motorized vehicles. ALL motorized modes of travel inside the gate will be EXPECTED to be used for safe and slow travel (not to exceed 15 MPG) between event areas. If any person fails to abide by this REQUIREMENT, they will be forced to forfeit their machine during the event weekend. This is a ZERO tolerance policy.
Absolutely no riding of ATV, UTV, scooter, or motorcycle of any kind between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
What you bring in, you take out! Please do not leave trash or household items of any kind when you exit the property.
We realize that dogs are an important part of families that have them and they are allowed here. We do require that they be always on a leash, not running at large, and that you clean up after them. Pets will not be allowed inside of the spectator event.
Quiet hours are between 11pm and 7am.
No loud music, generators, or any other interrupting noises to wake the campground or racers are allowed.
Please be considerate of all fellow campers and Ontario Speedway security and staff.
All camping reservations are non-refundable. By reserving you confirm that you have read and accept the overnight camping rules.
Failure to follow these rules can/will result in removal from the property and possible revocation of camping privileges current and into the future.